UK Scholarships Week 2025


UK Scholarships Week will introduce interested students and alums to multiple fellowships for graduate study in the UK through online information sessions, held from March 24-28, 2025, providing everything from overviews of the various scholarships to hearing from members of the Columbia community who are alumni of the scholarships, to a panel of Columbia alumni sharing their experiences with graduate study in the UK virtually with prospective candidates. URF welcomes all years and graduates of CC, SEAS, GS, who are keen to learn more about the Rhodes, Marshall, Gates-Cambridge, Churchill, and Ellison Scholarships - with an eye on applying this year or in the future! All events will be held virtually and will not be recorded. Zoom links available here.

Session I: Focus on the early deadlines!
The Rhodes, Marshall, Churchill and Gates Cambridge Scholarships
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, from 5 - 6pm EST
Eager to learn more about prestigious postgraduate fellowships? Wondering how to apply to the Rhodes, Marshall, Churchill, Gates Cambridge, and Ellison Scholarships? Curious how to add a competitive edge to your application? Join URF for a session devoted specifically to these opportunities!

Session II: Hear from Rhodes and Marshall Scholars (CU Alumni)
Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 12 - 1pm EST
Curious to learn more about the Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships? Join us and speak with members of the Columbia community who are Rhodes or Marshall Scholars. Hear about their experiences, from the application to the interview to their time in the UK and beyond. Discussion and conversation is encouraged, so bring any and all questions that might be on your mind, too!

Session III: Hear from your Peers! Rhodes, Marshall, Churchill, Gates-Cambridge Panel Discussion
Friday, March 28, 2025 from 2 - 3pm EST
Considering applying for a prestigious postgraduate fellowship? Curious to learn more about selection criteria and building a competitive candidacy? Applying for a fellowship is a unique endeavor, set apart even from applying to college. And the Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Churchill, Knight-Hennessy, Fulbright, and Gates-Cambridge Scholarships are among the most prestigious awards for postgraduate study available. Join URF for an overview of a variety of postgraduate degree-seeking opportunities in the U.K. and beyond. We will take a look at the logistics of the application process and how to develop an authentic and compelling candidacy. Open to students in all years!