2020 CU Annual Poster Competition Awardees | Undergraduate Research and Fellowships

2020 CU Annual Poster Competition Awardees

 Paul Hanna CC'23; Nicole Liberman CC'21; Makena Binker Cosen CC'21

From left to right the 2020 Poster Competition Awardees: Paul Hanna CC'23; Nicole Liberman CC'21; Makena Binker Cosen CC'21

This year's Columbia University Undergraduate Research Symposium was successfully held online on Friday, October 23rd. Despite the many challenges faced during the pandemic, students expertly developed and carried out innovative, virtual research projects throughout the summer, and over 130 students shared their findings through video and poster presentations at the symposium.

In addition to congratulating all of the symposium presenters, six projects were selected via online voting as this year’s awardees and honorable mentions for the 2nd Annual Poster Competition. The first place awardees include Paul Hanna CC'23, best poster in the Humanities and the Arts, Nicole Liberman CC'21, best poster in the Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Makena Binker Cosen CC'21, best poster in the Social Sciences.

The students awarded honorable mention include: Helen Ruger CC'22 in humanities, Columbia Space Initiative Biomedical Microgravity Project (Cole Allan SEAS’21, Luke D'Cruz SEAS’21, Sabrina Gjerswold-Selleck SEAS’21, Nathalie Hager SEAS’21 and Christopher Mendell GS’23) in STEM , and Kate Marsh CC'23 in the social sciences category.

The participation across the Columbia undergraduates and wider CU community, including over 500+ visitors to the online event, speaks to the enthusiasm of the student researchers who continue to share in building both community and knowledge.

For more information about the annual symposium including how to participate in next year's event, visit URF online.