Coleman Yorke CC’20 is a native New Yorker who majored in English, with a concentration in Psychology. While at Columbia, he worked as an editor on The Columbia Review, mentored high schoolers navigating the college application process through Columbia’s Double Discovery Center, and volunteered in patient escort services at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. An aspiring psychiatrist and mental health educator, Coleman recently completed his medical school requirements through a premedical postbaccalaureate program at Bryn Mawr College. With a particular commitment to mental health and psychoeducational resources for young people, Coleman has been particularly interested in the role culture and varying community backgrounds play in young people’s perceptions of mental health and how that in turn affects the resources they are offered or seek out. To answer such questions, he is currently a Henry Luce Scholar based in Seoul, South Korea where he works in the Youth and Young Adult Development Lab at Yonsei University. As a Mitchell Scholar, Coleman will study Global Mental Health at Trinity College Dublin. As Coleman explains, “Ireland is a country with one of the most rapidly shifting attitudes in mental health for young people, which boasts numerous developing local destigmatization movements on the community and policy level. By working with local nonprofits and mental health activism groups, I hope to gain an understanding of Irish mental health for young people that I could bring to my work as a clinician and mental health educator in the US…”