How do you hope this fellowship experience will influence or impact the professional trajectory you are on?
New York has always been at the vanguard of public policy solutions, so I'm incredibly excited to have the opportunity to further my studies and eventually begin my career in the city. With the help of the David Bohnett Public Service Fellowship, I aim to build upon my knowledge of municipal governance and contribute to ongoing policy discussions on housing and homelessness, workers' rights, and more. The summer internship offered by the program will be particularly beneficial in this regard, as I will have the chance to develop my specific interests and broaden my network while working alongside city agencies.
Considering New York City, will you share with us a favorite New York City:
Restaurant/food? What should I order if I go?: Spicy Moon is a Szechuan restaurant in the West Village with an entirely vegetarian menu. The portions are generous and I love sampling new dishes, but I always make sure to order the General Tso's mushrooms!
Museum? Exhibit?: The Met Cloisters is my favorite museum in New York because it manages to combine a pastoral atmosphere with a modern city.
Location or neighborhood in NYC - anything specific you recommend to visit? Everyone should visit Sunset Park at least once; the view of Manhattan is unparalleled, and the neighborhood itself has a number of eclectic shops and restaurants.

Lastly, what is one piece of advice you would give to someone who is just starting their fellowship application?
The fellowship application process can be daunting and demanding at first. If you are a first-generation college student or belong to another community that faces educational and institutional barriers, the process can be especially confusing or overwhelming. However, I found that connecting with the staff at URF and CCE helped dispel some of these feelings, especially when we met to discuss practice interviews and the personal statement. Finding a support network within Columbia was instrumental in helping me understand that I was not only capable of receiving this fellowship, but also a unique and compelling candidate.