Congratulations to Karolina Nixon CC’23 and Gabrielle Epuran CC’24, both named John & Daria Barry Scholars, recognizing their commitment to the pursuit of truth within academia!

Gabrielle Epuran CC'24
Karolina Nixon CC'23

Karolina Nixon CC'23
The Barry Scholarship, funded by the John and Daria Barry Foundation, is an annual academic prize awarded to those who display admirable dedication to the academic vocation and the pursuit of truth. The scholarship provides funding for graduate study, including living, travel, and research expenses, at the University of Oxford for at least two years, and is provided through the Canterbury Institute, which serves as the home of Barry Scholars while in Oxford.
Columbia students and alums interested in learning more about the Barry Scholarship and other fellowship programs are encouraged to connect with advisors at Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.