Pearson Fellowship

Multiple Locations,
United Kingdom
Term: Academic Year

Provides funding for postgraduate study in Classics at an English or Scottish university

The Lionel Pearson Fellowship, offered by the Society for Classical Studies, aims to contribute to the training of American and Canadian classicists by providing for a period of study at an English or Scottish university. The fellowship provides a stipend for one year, which the fellow may use to offset the costs associated with his or her degree course. Faculties of Classics of both Oxford and Cambridge Universities have support the tuition expenses of any Pearson Fellow enrolled at their institution. Fellows may pursue multiple-year degrees, but the fellowship only provides support for the first year.

Competition is open to outstanding students of Greek, Latin, Classics, or closely related fields at any U.S. or Canadian college or university. Fellows must undertake a course of study that broadens and develops their knowledge of Greek and Latin literature in the original languages, and therefore must have a strong background in these languages. Fellows must have a bachelor’s degree before beginning their supported study and ordinarily take up the fellowship in the year following graduation.

Fact Sheet

Columbia Alumna/us, Columbia College, Columbia Engineering, Columbia General Studies, Not U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident
Fellowship Type:
Postgraduate Degree-Seeking
Multiple Locations,
United Kingdom
Academic Year

Dates & Deadlines

Academic Year
Application Deadline: 
Monday, November 4, 2024