Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowships provide college graduates with paid six- to nine-month experiences working with nonprofit public interest organizations in the Washington, D.C. area that focus on peace and security issues. Through placements in the host organizations, fellows gain practical knowledge and experience in the work of peace- and security-oriented nonprofits.
Scoville Fellows receive a monthly salary and health insurance, plus travel to Washington, D.C. The program also provides funding for each fellow to attend relevant professional conferences or meetings.
Candidates must have graduated from college or university by the start of their fellowship program and must be able to work in the U.S. Preference is given to U.S. citizens.
Fellowships are designed for individuals who have already demonstrated a strong interest in the field and who have experience with public-interest activism or advocacy. Successful candidates must be good writers who are able to work in busy office environments and who are considering careers in peace and security fields.