Through the generous support of Societe de Chimie Industrielle ( and the Guthikonda family the Chemistry department is able to offer students the opportunity to participate in full time summer research.
The Societe Fellowships and the Guthikonda Fellowships will be awarded by preference to any outstanding Chemistry/Biochemistry/Chemical Physics or Environmental Chemistry major or Chemistry Concentrator at Columbia University (or an outstanding student considering one of those majors, or a undergraduate student performing research in the department). Students can be rising sophomores, juniors or seniors. Students must do research with a member of the Columbia Chemistry department.
The Fellowships will provide $6500 towards housing and stipend.
Students should submit their CV, transcript, a personal statement and a summer research plan. A letter of support from the faculty member who has agreed to supervise the student's research project this summer should be emailed directly to Dr. Gasperov ( by the deadline below.
Please contact Dr. Vesna Gasperov ( for additional information.